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Child Toothache Home Remedy - Toothache in Infants andToddlers

This article explains child toothache home remedy to overcome discomfort and pain. Tooth decay and gum diseases may cause infection and pain.

child toothache home remedy
Child Toothache Home Remedy

How to Calm the Toothache of Children?

Clove and Clove Oil

It is often difficult, if not impossible, to place a clove in the mouth of a child. The fragrances are so strong that you are unlikely to succeed. Therefore, you can make a light massage on the cheek with clove oil, a little diluted in water. That will relieve him.

Clove and Clove Oil
Clove and Clove Oil
On the other hand, watch out for essential oils! Make sure of their origin before using them especially with your children. The market is very little controlled, and we find a little of everything. You must buy essential oil with the words "pure and natural".

Home Remedies for Teething Babies

The appearance of the first temporary teeth, from four to ten months, is often accompanied by pain that results in cries, insomnia, refusal to take the breast or bottle ... To calm irritation and pain Gums in a baby, leave the clove.



Your child will suck it under your supervision and this will relieve it. The root of marshmallow contains a plant substance which contains pectins whose effect is to decrease the inflammatory phenomenon and thus to alleviate the pain. These pectins will also relax the tissues, which will favor the exit of the small teeth.

Amber Necklace

Amber Necklace
Amber Necklace
There is also a fashionable cure for infants: the amber necklace. But watch out for these amber necklaces. If they are fashionable and sometimes sold in pharmacies, amber necklaces have nothing to do around your child's neck. First, because there is a danger of strangulation, your baby can strangle with the elastic collar. And there is also, if the collar breaks, a risk of inhalation of the beads and therefore suffocation. These are reasons why Early Childhood Professionals strongly discourage their use. Do not hesitate to propose a teething ring to your child, it will be able to nibble it, it will soothe it.

How to Avoid Cavities in Toddlers?

To prevent cavities in young children, there is what is called bottle tooth decay. When a child falls asleep with a bottle containing a sweet liquid in the mouth, there is a risk of cavity formation. The prolonged contact between the liquid and the surface of the teeth promotes the destruction of the tooth enamel. And since the milk teeth are more fragile than the definitive teeth, you really have to be careful.

Toothache in Infants
Toothache in Infants
In any case, any persistent dental pain should cause you to consult a dentist. It should never be forgotten that an ill-treated dental infection can have serious consequences for our entire body. So above, in this article, we have discussed all best and safe child toothache home remedies.

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