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8 First Signs of Wisdom Teeth Coming In - Wisdom Teeth

If you are 17 to 25 years old and facing trouble in eating food then you may have one or more wisdom teeth coming in your mouth. The following article explains the first signs of wisdom teeth coming in, so if you have one of these then feel free to visit your dentist for complete checkup.

First Signs Of Wisdom Teeth Coming In
First Signs Of Wisdom Teeth Coming In

First Signs of Wisdom Teeth Coming In

Below are the 8 common first signs of wisdom teeth coming in.

1. Pain

Wisdom teeth pain is one of the first signs of wisdom teeth coming in. You may face severe pain behind your second molars, neck, jaws, and headache. Wisdom teeth pain in the jaw is most common, because, in more than 95% people, they come in impacted. Our jaws are small and do not have free space for these 4 extra teeth (wisdom teeth). So they lay down horizontally and grow in the crooked direction as shown in the figure.

Wisdom Tooth Pain
Wisdom Tooth Pain
Impacted wisdom teeth push adjacent teeth which cause severe pain behind your second molars. You may use home remedies for wisdom tooth pain but these have temporarily benefited. You must need to go to your dentist or doctor for complete treatment. Almost all dentist recommend wisdom teeth removal after seeing the X RAY report. So if you want to know about wisdom teeth removal cost then read the article.

2. Swelling

Swelling is one of the first signs of wisdom teeth coming in. Wisdom teeth not always come in straight, only few 5% people have wisdom teeth with no complications like pain, swelling and discomfort. But it's nothing mean their third molars will not hurt them in future.

Wisdom Teeth Swelling
Wisdom Teeth Swelling
It is hard to maintain healthy oral hygiene behind the second molars. So these teeth may also hurt you and create serious complications in future. Wisdom teeth removal is the only way to get rid of wisdom teeth pain, swelling, and other complications.

Crooked wisdom teeth come in sidewise or erupt partially from the soft tissues of gums. Hence, it causes swelling of the gums and also infection.

3. Slightly Fever

Fever is one of the first signs of wisdom teeth coming in. You may also feel fever if your wisdom teeth are coming in. Fever is common, like whenever a child gets teeth, he or she may face fever. So you may use over the counter medicines like Tylenol (Paracetamol), Brufen (Ibuprofen), or Ansaid (Flurbiprofen) by the recommendation of your dentist, doctor or pharmacist.

Paracetamol and ibuprofen help to reduce pain, swelling, and fever. If you want to know more about pain killer tablet for wisdom teeth pain then click the below link and read that article.

Read:  Pain Killer Tablet for Wisdom Teeth Pain

4. Diarrhea


Loose motion or diarrhea is also in 
first signs of wisdom teeth coming in. You must eat soft food to avoid other complications of the stomach. Drink excess amount of fluids to avoid weakness. You may also use ORS which will help you to maintain healthy minerals level in your body.

5. Bad Taste

Bad Taste
Bad Taste

Bad taste is one of the first signs of wisdom teeth coming in. If wisdom teeth are coming in, then you may have bad taste. But this is not bad like pain, swelling, and infection of the gums tissues.

6. Bad Breath

Bad Breath
Bad Breath

Bad breath is one of the first signs of wisdom teeth coming in. Yeah! of course. You may have bad breath when your wisdom teeth are coming in. You should maintain your healthy oral hygiene and avoid smoking if you can.

7. Redness

Redness of gum tissue is one of the first signs of wisdom teeth coming in. Open your mouth and see in a glass mirror. You will see redness behind your second molars. The gum tissues will be red and the redness will be visible.

8. Infection

If the wisdom teeth are coming in the wrong angle, or partially erupted. The food particles will get stuck into them and may cause infection. This may lead to serious complications like the formation of Cysts (fluid-filled pockets) or tumors in some cases.

So the wisdom teeth pain, swelling, slight fever, redness, bad breath, bad taste, gum infection, and diarrhea are the eight most common first signs of wisdom teeth coming in. Nobody wants to lay down under the dentist's knives. But wisdom teeth extraction is the only way to avoid serious dental complications and maintain healthy oral hygiene. If wisdom teeth are coming in your mouth, you must go to the dentist and consult it. After taking an oral X-RAY, your dentist will decide whether to remove these teeth or bringing them is beneficial for you.

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