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How Many Teeth Do We Have? Get Quick Answer

If you are wonder about how many teeth do we have? or thinking about how many teeth do adults have? then read the following article. You should know how many teeth do we need? and how many teeth do we lose? also how many teeth do children have?.

How many teeth do we have?
How many teeth do we have?
Above are some questions arising in our mind. Below are the answer for that questions. More people have time to think about these questions and they don't even know how many teeth they have? or How many teeth do we have in your mouth? and so on.

Read:  How Does Tobacco Cause Tooth Loss

If you want to know how many teeth do you have? then read the below answers carefully. And if have a question then comment us below the article.


How many teeth do we have without wisdom teeth?

The question may also be how many teeth do humans have? Because we are discussing human beings. The answer to the above question "how many teeth do we have without wisdom teeth is 28 (teeth). We have 28 teeth without wisdom teeth in our mouth.

The 28 teeth include 8 incisors, 4 canines (cuspids), 8 premolars (pre-cuspids) and 8 molars (4 are called 1st molars, 4 called second molars).

How many teeth do we have top and bottom?

A healthy and big jaw may have 32 teeth, including 4 wisdom teeth (if have). But the question is how many teeth do adults have on top and bottom?. It's not a big question but you should be aware of it. If you have 28 teeth in your mouth, then 14 teeth are on top and the other 14 teeth will be on the bottom.

Top 14 teeth include 4 incisors, 2 canines or cuspids, 4 premolars or pre-cuspids and 4 molars. And the bottom 14 teeth also includes 4 incisors, 2 canines which also called cuspids, 4 premolars or pre-cuspids, and 4 molars.

In the case of wisdom teeth, you may have 16 teeth on the top and 16 teeth on the bottom (including 4 wisdom teeth).

How many teeth do adults have?

How many teeth do adults have?
How many teeth do adults have?
Many people ask for how many teeth do adults have in their mouth? or how many teeth do we have? Wisdom teeth come in at the age of 17 to 25 years. Or you may also have if your age is above 25 years.

A person with 4 wisdom teeth should have 32 teeth in his mouth and 28 teeth (8 incisors, 4 canines, 8 premolars and 8 molars) without wisdom teeth or third molars.

In more than 90% people, wisdom teeth come in and grow in crooked direction. Because there is no free space in jaws for these new teeth. So they lay down in a horizontal position and come in crooked and wrong direction. They push other teeth, or erupt partially and create complications like an infection (due to foods particles stuck into them), severe pain, swelling, and discomfort etc.

So dentists recommend wisdom teeth extraction for more than 95% patients after seeing the X RAY report (in a case of impacted wisdom teeth).

How many teeth do we need?

How many teeth do we need?
How many teeth do we need?
Another question arises in our mind is how many teeth do we need to live a healthy wealthy life? Nowadays, teeth are decaying and most of the people don't care their teeth well. There is not perfect, dentists in the USA, UK recommends 20 teeth. From front teeth towards the premolars and molars.

This is because everyone is thinking about dental implants which are more expensive and costly. So the minimum teeth you need to live a healthy life are twenty. But if you have more teeth than these will help you better crushing food.

Teeth help our digestive system because better the food will be crushed, better the digestive system will work.

How many teeth do children have?

How many teeth do children have?
How many teeth do children have?
Children or newborn babies start teething at the six months of age. Teething time may be different in babies which range from 3 months to 1 year.

A baby has 20 teeth in common, 10 are on top and the other 10 are on the bottom. These teeth are called deciduous teeth, or primary. In some regions, they are also known as the milk teeth because their color is milky then our permanent teeth.

Children start losing these teeth at the age of 6 to 7 years. Primary teeth or milk teeth play a role of placeholders and fall out when permanent teeth start erupting at the age of 6 years.

That's nothing mean the milk teeth are not important. The child needs proper brushing, flossing which are good habits and help to maintain healthy oral hygiene.

How many teeth do we lose?

How many teeth do we lose?
How many teeth do we lose?
You may also think about how many teeth do we lose?. We lose 20 deciduous teeth in our childhood (from 6 to 12 years of age). Then we get 28 permanent teeth and another 4 wisdom teeth at the age of 17 to 30 years.

People who don't care their teeth and eat sweet foods in more quantity. Persons who don't brush their teeth before sleeping and use dental floss are more vulnerable to tooth decay and other diseases which cause a tooth loss.

In the above article, we tried to give of all questions which may arise in your mind. How many teeth do we have?  "how many teeth do adults have?" and how many teeth do children have?. We also discussed how many teeth do we lose? and how many teeth do we have on top and bottom?. Feel free to ask any question about his article or write a comment below. 

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